Shape and Color Studies
Growing up I always understood an artwork to be something that inherently takes a lot of time to complete. I have come to understand that this might not be the case. Although I have always struggled with the idea of getting up and leaving a piece “unfinished”, as my art practice evolves, I continue to question art as a medium while experimenting with its restrictions and preconceived notions. Rather than forcing myself to drag out a project, I've intentionally fought against this time-based expectation: making as many pieces as I can in one sitting. These 3.5" x 5" compositions are a result of that on-going experimentation in shape and color. The total amount made now comes in at over 400 studies, now spread out in various private and public collections around the world including the Walker Art Center’s Library Collection and the Rochester Museum of Fine Art.
See a selection of Shape and Color Studies at the flickr set.
Various Shape and Color Study original works available at Uprise Art.