Modular Mural & Wall Painting Installation for Facebook
In my studio, creating an active viewing experience to empower the viewer as a thinker and maker is core to my practice. This modular mural artwork invites the viewer to change and interact with the artwork, with almost infinite iterations. A collection of hand-painted transparent acrylic sheets sit on sixteen-foot long tongue and groove ledges allowing the artwork panels to be overlapped, rearranged, condensed, or expanded. The simple forms on each panel are inspired by two Chicagos—the urban environment we know today and the prairie land Chicago was built upon—inviting viewers to imagine what cohabitation of nature and industrialism would look like. The modular mural display is accompanied by a sixty-foot long wall painting stretching the length of a hallway. This hallway installation utilizes forms from the modular mural, creating a treasure-hunt-style viewing experience inspiring different arrangements and orientations for the modular display.
This work was commissioned by Facebook AIR—a program empowering artists as storytellers and cultural investigators by way of large scale site-specific installations throughout their global spaces.
Photographs of the completed installation by Mike Schwartz.

Various photographs of the modular mural and wall painting fabrication and installation.